Myofascial Trigger Point Dry Needling

Acupuncture or Dry Needling? Same needle, different goal.

After decades of research and hundreds of pain trials, including thousands of patients, there is still insufficient evidence for the use of acupuncture (BMJ, 2018;360:k970). However, diagnosis by a Physiotherapist and Dry Needling for Myofascial Trigger points, is deemed safe & effective (Unverzagt et al., 2015). 

#precisionphysiotherapy #dryneedling #acupuncture #physiotherapy 

#myofascialtriggerpoint #trp #triggerpoint #muscletherapy


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The Spine of a Child

The spine of a child is changeable, like a green bamboo.

If it is put in slouched/abnormal positions often enough, over the years, ligaments will stretch, muscles will tighten and posture will change. Unfortunately, when the spine matures by the late teens, the changes are irreversible.

For a posture check, including scoliosis screening and simple (kid friendly) exercises, visit us at

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